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Labor and Employment Law Section


       In response to recent protests following the killings of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, the Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of Michigan renews and reaffirms its opposition to systemic racism.

      We recognize the reality that racism and discrimination, too often, preclude African Americans and other people of color from obtaining access and equal opportunity in employment. Civil rights statutes serve as important vehicles to eradicate racial injustice, and as labor and employment lawyers, we commit to continue utilizing these statutes to vigorously advocate for equal justice in the representation of our clients.

      We further acknowledge that our words cannot replace our deeds; that listening will be important for all on this journey; and that for divisions to heal, we must focus on self-reflection, education, understanding, and most of all, unity, as we work collectively to identify sustainable solutions. In this vein, the section will continue to provide quality programming centered around race equity and implicit bias via our diversity luncheon series and then join with our members to do the very difficult work of putting what we learn into practice.

       Please note: The Labor & Employment Law Section does not speak for all 2,221 of its members, but through your actions we will always speak for the rule of law and equal justice for all.



      At the invitation of Swartz Creek United Methodist Church and Quinn Chapel, an African Methodist Episcopal Church located in Greater Flint, Michigan, over 100 interested individuals  came together in the summer of 2020, including law enforcement, elected officials, students, ministers, Church members, and the administration of the Swartz Creek Community Schools, for two facilitated dialogue community engagement events about race, its local history, the tough issues, and  the role of the Church.

      Speakers provided a glimpse of successful initiatives. Pastor Greg Timmons, from an  integrated Flint church, spoke of  his vision, philosophy and strategies. Dr. David Luke, a key professor from the University of Michigan - Flint , spearheading a new and comprehensive Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Plan and its implementation spoke of his philosophy and the  need for a Plan. This Plan provides numerous strategies to achieve specified goals with detailed metrics to determine progress.


      For more information on this initiative, contact Facilitator, Karen Folks,

Advanced Municipal Strategies,  at  or 810-444-5022



Supreme Court Landmark Decision Protects LGBTQ From Discrimination      See Neil Gorsuch Opinion Here:

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Advanced Municipal                                     Post Office Box  3

    S t r a t e g i e s                                      Flushing, Michigan 48433


   Call 810-444-5022

Created in 2020 to  re-envision local government, the church & non-profits to increase quality, innovation & effectiveness.

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